Central America has recently been my home well more than my actual home. I have spent a few months collectively between Mexico, El Salvador and Nicaragua now. The realization and acceptance of being on the road constantly and wandering aimlessly with a purpose has begun to sink in. It took a short conversation with a acquaintance passing in time to realize I'm not a lone in this journey. Similar stories, feelings of frustration and isolation exchanged. Sacrifice is not a meaningless word anymore. While I live a life rich in imagery and moments. Those moments either are embedded in my mind forever or become quickly lost in the montage of sensations constantly thrown at me on a daily basis. These sensations need to be captured developed edited and packaged for the masses to view.
It becomes easy to lose yourself in all the hype and so called fame. What is so glorious about losing your friends or your identity? Sure you are in these beautiful places, but you're honestly never really there. You blend in behind the scenes in order to not disturb the natural setting of the frame you hold in hand. I don't really know if that makes sense but it's the best way I can put it into words. You hold the picture, you remember it, but you were never there truly in it.
So now what? What next? I guess that's the question I have been asking myself all along. I still don't have an answer for it.
I don't really know why I feel the urge or need to sum it up or figure it out right now. But it's eating away at me. Why do I care or et so annoyed when people think this life is so easy? I know it's not so that should be enough for me right. I don't want to settle down. At least I don't think I do. I know I can't and thats enough to get me by. That;s enough to keep me pursuing this mirage of fame and fortune and everything in-between.